The Benefits Of Microchipping Your Pets

The Benefits Of Microchipping Your Pets
The Advantages Of Pet Microchipping

Every pet owner wants to do all possible to keep their beloved dog or cat safe. You do everything in your power to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. You might not think having identification tags on your indoor pet is important, but it is. 

What if your fluffy cat inadvertently escapes the house at night and you are unable to find her? What do you do, particularly if your cat or dog has no tags? Although wearing a collar with an identification tag is crucial, collars can occasionally go missing.

Identification of your Pet

You want to be sure that your pet is correctly identifiable because many animal shelters only retain dogs and cats for seven days. The microchip comes in help in this situation. The newest method of locating lost pets is with a microchip, which makes sure that your lost dog or cat returns home.

The majority of veterinary offices and animal shelters can now scan a cat or dog for a microchip identification because the technology has grown so widespread. You should be aware that your pet will not experience any pain if you choose to microchip them.

A hypodermic needle will be used by your veterinarian to place a tiny microchip, roughly the size of a rice grain, under your pet’s skin. Typically, the microchip is inserted behind the neck. The microchip has a unique digital number that has been registered in a national database of microchips

The person will receive your contact details from that information. A veterinarian or animal shelter can use a specialized scanner to recover the microchip data when your pet goes missing. So simple, in fact.

The microchip is a great concept for pet owners because it is permanent. The microchip cannot be removed, and unlike a collar or tags, it cannot be misplaced or destroyed. One of the pet microchip’s best advantages, especially for cats, is this.

Collar or microchip

More often than not, a breakaway collar will be used if you collar a cat. The collar comes off if your cat climbs a tree or gets hooked on something. It will be quite challenging to identify your cat if it is found without a microchip.

There are a few critical considerations about pet microchips. First of all, even if your pet has a microchip, you shouldn’t merely wait around for a call if they go lost. Not all vet offices and animal shelters have this technology.

You must set aside time to make calls and post “lost pet” posters in your neighborhood. In the event that you relocate, you must also make sure to update your contact information. If the data on the national database is inaccurate, implanting a microchip in your pet is of little to no benefit. You can learn how to update this information from your veterinarian.

Early microchip implantation is crucial for your pet’s safety. At six weeks of age, puppies can receive the microchip. Dogs of all sizes may handle this operation. At six weeks old, kittens can also have this operation.

What are the disadvantages of microchipping?

In the event that chips become required service, these could include:

  • Objections over individual privacy.
  • Security flaws.
  • Workers’ compensation claims.


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