Basic Cat Grooming – TOP TIPS!

Best way to groom a cat
No cat wants
to be dirty, and it’s up to you to keep your cat clean.  Grooming is very important because it keeps
your cat clean and healthy. 

Best way to groom a cat

Without a
doubt, starting young is the key to grooming, as it will allow your cat to get
used to brushing and grooming.  Some cats
who started grooming when they were kittens love it as they grow up, and many
of them often look forward to their grooming time.

cats’ hair

begins with brushing, because brushing prevents the cat’s hair from becoming
hairballs.  Brushing removes loose hair
and prevents the risk of hairballs forming. 
Many cats have difficulty dislodging hairballs.  If the cat is unable to remove one, it can
lead to a blockage of the intestines.  Blockages
are intense and can immediately become perilous.
cats should be brushed and combed daily, while short-haired cats should be
groomed weekly.  When brushing your cat,
you should always pay attention to lumps in the coat and skin irritations.  You should start by brushing the cat’s back,
from head to tail.  Do this several times
on one side and then move to the other. 
Each area should be brushed several times in the direction of your cat’s
hair growth.
brushing your cat, you should always avoid brushing her face and paws.  If a cat doesn’t like to be brushed, you can
always groom her with another tool.  A
grooming glove is a great alternative to a brush, as most cats don’t mind.


Clean your
cat’s ears before putting it in water. Clean his ears with a cotton swab
softened with warm water. Be careful to clean only the visible parts of your
cat’s ears, never try to clean the ear canal.
They should
be free of residue and odour.
Her ears
should be clean, pink in colour and show no signs of ear mites.  Ear mites are the result of dirt accumulated
in a cat’s ears, and can lead to shrivelling of the ears and loss of your cat’s
hearing.  Ear mites are very bothersome
to the cat and difficult for you, as the owner, to get rid of.  The best way to get rid of them is to keep
your cat’s ears clean and healthy.
But if the
dirt or odour comes back, ear mites may be present, which will require
consultation with your vet.

the eyes

His eyes
should be clear and shiny, clean the dirt with a special cat wipe or a small
clean handkerchief. Make sure that the eyes are clear and nothing should be in
the corners and that the third inner eyelid (nictitating membrane) is not
visible. If it is, it could be a sign of disease.

the teeth

Gums should
be pink and teeth should be free of tartar. Scaling can be considered by your
veterinarian if necessary. Be careful, this procedure requires a general
anaesthetic and is not harmless!

the anus

It must be
clean and free of scabs, which may signal diarrhea or the presence of worms.
Best way to groom a cat

How do you groom your cat and
bathe him?

For a
successful grooming of your cat, choose a quiet moment, when he is calm. It’s
best to groom your cat when she’s tired and relaxed. Be sure to lavish lots of
love and compliments on your cat after each grooming session, as she may begin
to see this experience as a reward.
  • Close all
    windows and doors and make sure the room is warm enough.
  • Fill the
    bathtub or tub with lukewarm water beforehand and gently place your cat into
  • Put on a
    pair of household gloves, then take your cat by the skin of the neck and gently
    place him or her in shallow warm water.
  • Wet your
    cat’s back, stomach and paws. Using a plastic cup may help. Get help to hold
    her down and prevent her from struggling. Reassure your cat throughout the
  • Apply the
    cat shampoo and massage it evenly over your cat before rinsing the product.
  • These shampoos are specially designed not to
    irritate your pet’s eyes and ears.
  • After
    rinsing your cat, make sure you have a warm towel to dry it.
  • Finally, dry
    your cat with several towels by rubbing it gently. Do not use a hair dryer, as
    the noise can be stressful.

Getting your pet used to this
useful practice

If your pet
is not accustomed to such practices, take a step-by-step approach to help it
gradually get used to brushing. Start with a few strokes and then alternate
strokes and very gentle brush strokes until your pet is used to brushing. Don’t
try to skip the steps, because if your tomcat gets scared, the break can be
Reward your
pet and let it finish drying itself and soothe itself in the heated room. He
will lick himself completely again, it’s a normal process to allow him to
regain his scent.


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